By MotherofET - 11/07/2011 04:23 - Australia

Today, my daughter announced on Facebook that she is directly descended from extra-terrestrials. That would be okay - except she's 25 and believes it's true. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 329
You deserved it 4 508

Same thing different taste

Top comments

this is just a shot in the dark, but is your daughter Lady Gaga? cause I would believe her if she was.

Make sure her 'real family' doesn't beam you up and probe your personal parts. D:


did you check if she was growing a tail from her butt hole?

We all are at some point or another. Aliens created humans.

ilikeemsmall 4

Don't be too hard on her, it is a plausible explanation of how life started on this planet. She might be posting an FML of how her closed minded parents won't look at all the possibilities.

et phone home et sister say get lost, et already lost :(

no it would not be ok that's crazy do U want government officials snooping around your house! ya that's what I thought me neither

Meg17hearts 0

Hmm. Perhaps she's just saying that her parents are freaks?

we were genetically engineered by the reptilian race ;)

That's what scientoloists believe too and there's thousands of them. Pick your reality tunnel.

hateevryone 14

you're an alien (in katy perry voice)