By Anonymous - 07/12/2012 04:49 - United States - Moorhead

Today, my daughter finally gave birth to twin boys. She informed me that she named them Peregrin Took and Meriadoc Brandybuck. My grandsons are named after Hobbits. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 288
You deserved it 6 308

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You can drink your fancy ales you can drink em by the flagon but the only brew for the brave and true... comes from the green dragon.


SkateboardGirl88 11

Love it. Lol. Like someone else said could be worse. Be great full there names aren't Harry and potter

Pretty sure that you can enrol them in school under nicknames, as long as the surname is accurate.

Hiphuray4peas 27

If I had had twin boys I would have done the same thing.

Your daughter is awesome, and you should be proud.

kennaem1 11

She could've named them Edward and Bella

HighlandShadows 48

Your daughter is actually kind of cool, but I can't even begin to imagine the hell those kids are going to endure once they start school. **** their lives.