By Anonymous - 07/12/2012 04:49 - United States - Moorhead

Today, my daughter finally gave birth to twin boys. She informed me that she named them Peregrin Took and Meriadoc Brandybuck. My grandsons are named after Hobbits. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 288
You deserved it 6 308

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You can drink your fancy ales you can drink em by the flagon but the only brew for the brave and true... comes from the green dragon.


Madam, you raised you daughter right....... Be proud!!!!!

to all the peoplw saying they'll be bullied for having a weird name, my name is McKenna and I've never had anyone bully me. it depends on how you carry yourself. if you're confident and a decent person you're not really bothered by anyone. I'd much rather have my name than something generic that makes me blend into the crowd. I've always felt like that. blending in is nothing to be proud of in my opinion, it just makes you boring. stand out. diversity makes life beautiful, all that jazz.

This shouldn't even be an FML, that's great parenting! Better than the poor kids who will be named after 50 Shades of Grey characters.

This is the best thing I have ever read. Your daughter is awesome!

emma_jane 13

I wish my grandsons will be named after hobbits XD

Drake_The_Dragon 23

This isn't an fml. Anyways it doesn't hurt you what your daughter is naming her kids. You raised on f*****g awesome kid!

shabellah 7