By Scarlett_Pixie - 24/12/2016 09:46 - Australia - Toowoomba

Today, my partner convinced both of our little brothers that we are naming our son Obi-Wan. They now won't stop rubbing my belly and quoting Star Wars. This is going to be one long Christmas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 530
You deserved it 1 075

Same thing different taste

Top comments

stevenJB 25

like your girlfriend and both of your little brothers...? the wording is confusing

cootiequeen4444 11

OH, THANK GAWD. (1) the little brothers are not brothers. (2) I'm not the only moron whom thought this.


it does suck in a lot of, but it also would be awesome. you do need to explain to your children what name you're actually gonna give the baby. congrats though

I hope most of the quotes are from Jar Jar Binks.

You mean quotes like "the force is strong in this one"?

it isn't uncommon for people to call their boy/girlfriend their partner. or wife/husband. partner= the person they are with. not hard to understand.

stevenJB 25

like your girlfriend and both of your little brothers...? the wording is confusing

No her partner and both their little brothers

OP's little brother, and her partner's little brother.

nah man, she's got a baby bro and he's got a baby bro.

cootiequeen4444 11

OH, THANK GAWD. (1) the little brothers are not brothers. (2) I'm not the only moron whom thought this.

That's what I read too. You're not alone.

My daughters name is Leia. and her older brother always calls her princess Leia, it's cute!!! It's just a joke, OP

Aiden89 23

"Find the humor you must" - Yoda

cootiequeen4444 11

Is Star ****** a legit porno? I imagine it would be most bizarre if certain scenes were incorporated...

I'm a little confused... Your partner convinced two little men who happened to be "our little brothers" could mean both you and your partner have very young siblings, Or your partner is your sibling hence the two little brothers are brothers to both of you.