By mommabuser - 01/07/2012 15:59

Today, my daughter's hamster pulled the water bottle off the glass, so I decided to super-glue the bottle back on. We came back an hour later to see if it had stuck, only to find both the bottle and rodent glued to the glass. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 515
You deserved it 28 950

Same thing different taste

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Why... WHY would you put something with wet superglue in a cage with a living creature? Especially something essential to its survival? I hope the poor thing is okay - you should know better.


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I don't care what it is. You bring it into your home, you are responsible for its well being. I'm guessing you are one of the people who believe only cats and dogs are real pets?

YDI all the way. Sorry, but that was a REALLY ignorant decision. Superglue around animals is never a good idea. I hope the lil' thing is okay.

RedPillSucks 31

How is that **** your life? More like **** the hamsters life. You probably killed it. Moron's shouldnt have living things or be near superglue!

Sad to say, this is pretty funny (assuming the hamster is okay). Probably not the best idea, though. Hamsters aren't the brightest of animals and having this happen seems inevitable. Just buy a new bottle next time.

I'm laughing, but how stupid do you have to be; leaving the glue to dry while the hamster was in the cage?

My son just asked for a hamster. Sounds like something my husband would do instead of buying a new water bottle lol

I know I'm going to hell,but my first reaction was a giggle,because I pictured a hamster stuck like that with eyes all @__@ wtf? then guilt and then Atlas horror when I realised how awful this really is

cmb8280 24

Omg, these rarely make me LOL, but this one is too funny!! I feel bad for the little guy, but come on. That is funny shit