By mommabuser - 01/07/2012 15:59

Today, my daughter's hamster pulled the water bottle off the glass, so I decided to super-glue the bottle back on. We came back an hour later to see if it had stuck, only to find both the bottle and rodent glued to the glass. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 515
You deserved it 28 950

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why... WHY would you put something with wet superglue in a cage with a living creature? Especially something essential to its survival? I hope the poor thing is okay - you should know better.


hatlady 3

Then what are you going to do when you need to fill the water up??

kay_princess14 7

Lolz who knew hamsters could do that

Oh my god you super glued a hamster?! That sounds like a movie!

And how are you supposed to refill the bottle with it glued on the cage?

Red_Curls1995 28

You left him in there with wet glue?!

Hopefully you learned from that experience. Next time take the poor thing out of the cage and put it in a hamster ball or something, until the glue dries. YDI, but the hamster didn't.

Talis99 26

I wonder if the kid is still alive these years later with a parent that dumb.