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By "INDYSTRUCTABLE" - 12/05/2017 14:51

Today, my daughter told me I should have had an abortion or given her up for adoption because I wouldn't buy her a pair of $300 shoes to impress her friends. She's only 13. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 086
You deserved it 1 495

INDYSTRUCTABLE tells us more.

hi, OP here! wow, I can't believe I finally got posted! Okay, so here's what happened. My daughter got upset because her 2 year old brother was wearing Birkenstocks and she claimed he would grow up to be bullied like she is by her "friends" because those sandals are "lame" & "cheap". I'm not wealthy but i do strive to give them what I consider nice things, or so I thought. For Christmas she got 225 dollar timberland boots and 100 dollar snickers in Feb for her birthday. she ruins most shoes with mud, scrapes and mistreatment within a month! so I don't want to purchase the 300 dollar shoes and see my hard earn money wasted. she argued that she's popular therefore I'm obligated to buy her things to impress her friends. Any gifts I give her such as trips to Victoria secret for new bras is not a "gift" but her right because that's the norm now in 2017. she told me I need to try to give her a better childhood than I had or I should have taken BC or given her up for adoption. (I grew up poor, with 10 shoes from payless) I don't spoil her at all! I'm not wealthy! but her friends are putting these stupid thoughts in her head by telling her their parents spend a 1000 dollars every week on new shoes. (this is a middle class public school, completely false). As a teen mom, I sacrificed so much of my happiness and went without so much so she would never feel "poor" although I struggle greatly to support her alone, so her completely broke my heart and reduced me to tears. I don't want her to be a materialist person. I love the minimalist lifestyle but I don't force it on my family. I try to show them that life's most valuable things have no price tag. I feel like social media is putting these insane unrealistic expectations on kids to get likes. apparently the few compliments on her shoes mentioned above weren't good enough. She is a spoiled rude self entitled brat. I won't be spending a dime on another piece of clothing or shoes for a very long time. by the way this argument took place over the phone, otherwise I might have thrown her through a wall for the disrespect.

Top comments

And that's when you stop buying any fancy clothes and make her realize how fortune she is to have what she has. And when she is old enough to work a PT job, completely stop buying her clothes, make up, and other such nonessentials.

take her to a homeless shelter so she can realize what she's got. if she needs 300$ shoes to impress her friends- what kind of friends are they?


It says your gender is male. That would have made the abortion slightly tricky, no?

AmeliaRose67 5

I dont know where you saw the male part, but she says she was a teen mom.

Lucky O'Guin 18

If I had ever acted like that, I'd have gotten backhanded across the room. Tell her that being a good person is far more precious than a popularity contest in middle school. Also tell her that you work hard and make sacrifices for what she DOES have and to be grateful that you do. Tell her to get new friends while you're at it!

You should have said that it is not too late to put her up for adoption and then thanked her for that idea.

I'm 21 and I'm sick of the kids these days they have to have the latest technology I mean come on my 3 year old cousin has a tablet the only things I had when I was growing up was the outside we played outside for ages riding our bikes now kids are indoors 10 year olds wearing makeup and wearing slutty clothes drinking and smoking acting like they tough shit and the parents are getting softer on them they're like "we shouldn't smack the kids that might teach them a bad example" I mean come on if my parents saw me or my siblings act up we would meet mr wooden spoon or mrs belt the kids nowadays need to act their age not act like they're twice the age they are

You do realize that young kids doing those things is not a recent things. There are people in their 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond that drank and smoked etc. when they were waaaaay too young. That doesn't make it okay. But don't act like it's something new because of "the evils of modern society" Oooohhhhh so scary.

ProperPengTing 15

13?? Start living Amish. She'll thank you later.

Yeah, maybe it's time to start teaching your daughter how not to be a brat. Start her volunteering somewhere to show her how lucky she is.

Is there a receipt for this? I heard the return policy was 21 years

lukcy_basartd 11

If all else fails show her this post and let her read the comments. Maybe, just maybe it'll make her head spin in the right direction. Best wishes OP!

AzrielB 8

pick up a coat hanger and menacingly say "it's not too late for a 56th trimester abortion"

TheyCallMeDamien 17

You should've told her that sounds like someone who wants to buy their own clothes.