By chestycough - 16/09/2013 04:35 - Australia - Belrose

Today, my doctor asked me to undo my bra so he could check my breathing without the straps restricting my lungs, I got home and told my friends how awkward it was. Not one of them has had this happen to them before. We all go to the same doctor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 955
You deserved it 5 452

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flashback.miss 28

just creepy. change doctors and take appropriate action.

Considered that maybe your bra was tighter than your friends? Don't always jump to the worst conclusion.


Well maybe they don't wear their bras too tight? Most women wear ill fitting bras so it could actually be restricting the way you breathe.

chrisreg509 2

That doctor sounds like Herbert from Family Guy.

Maybe because your friends don't wear any bras?

Creepy! Imma wear a sports bra from now on!

HighlandShadows 48

I've had this happen... and being that my doctor was a straight female, I sincerely doubt that there was something sexual to it. However, if it concerns you, you can request that a female nurse be present for your next visit. Or get a new doctor.

Maybe your bra strap was actually restricted him from checking your lungs. I know plenty of patients who also have to preform that task in order to receive an accurate Measurement.

Maybe you have big boobs and wore a small bra

What the doctor did is inappropriate. Anything an unlatched bra would need can be checked by loosening the bra, with the exception of x-rays and possibly EEGs. My wife, a very large chested woman, agrees, and she also looked it up online. You can always request someone in the room with you, as well. It doesn't need to be a nurse, ev

What the doctor did is inappropriate. Anything an unlatched bra would need can be checked by loosening the bra, with the exception of x-rays and possibly EEGs. My wife, a very large chested woman, agrees, and she also looked it up online. You can always request someone in the room with you, as well. It doesn't need to be a nurse, even just a friend or the receptionist would help. Doctors get away with everything most of the time. Where I live, a local gastrointestinologist molested several women and got away with it, even after charges being pressed. And several is well over 20 women.

I can't agree that it was inappropriate, sorry. If the OP had said that he touched her in a way that didn't seem like it had dickall to do with the exam, or something like that, sure, she should report him and find a new doctor, but just asking her to unhook her bra for an examination based on your chest doesn't seem out of place when plenty of us have been in the same situation. Agreed that if she felt/feels uncomfortable though that she has every right to a chaperone, and I've never had a doctor complain about that. My first pap smear was with an OBGYN not my family doctor, and he had his nurse in there with us without me even having to ask, which made me feel better since it was the first time I'd even met the guy.

#152 sadly your wife is incorrect. A proper respiratory assessment requires no clothing on the top half of the body. The medical professional needs to be able to SEE respiratory effort, rise and fall of chest and the number of respirations as well as LISTEN (ausclutate with a stethoscope) over all lung fields for breath sounds both front and back (have your wife Google - how to perform a respiratory assessment) Another method of assessment is to percuss - which involves placing the fingers of one hand flat on the body and to tap with the other fingers. The doctor is thus listening to the sounds produced. Also I'm pretty sure you can keep your bra on for an EEG (brain waves) but not for and ECG (cardiac electrical activity). All OP was asked to do was unclasp her bra - not remove it and her user name is chestycough so a pretty good conclusion that her visit to the doctor was due to a respiratory complaint.