By sad child - 27/08/2011 07:45 - United States
Same thing different taste
By johnny121 - 01/01/2010 19:14 - France
By Anonymous - 13/04/2023 06:00
Jim Henson lives
By Anonymous - 20/04/2009 17:55 - United States
Gender bending
By Anonymous - 03/09/2021 16:59
By N/A - 25/09/2012 04:13 - Canada - Edmonton
By WTFFAIL - 03/12/2012 05:06 - Canada - Montreal
The longest monologue
By Anonymous - 29/11/2012 00:57 - Canada - Belleville
By Alexis - 18/08/2021 00:00
By JulesBlues - 09/07/2019 06:00
By ChubbyButt - 16/01/2013 10:48 - Canada - Brampton
Top comments

So your gran was a mad woman! He wanted you
Your granny's jealous.
Strange how granny fought for OP like that, but if she was in her place, I'm sure she would love the attention.i
Gran is just trying to protect you! Cherish that while you still have it!
It could be worse, he could of lifted up your bra and made the excuse, "stethoscopes can't penetrate bras"
well i woulda done a bit more than just lifting your shirt up if ya know what i mean
Not really, it's part of the job. In reality her gran probably got charged with assault :D
How I knows it's a girls
To be fair, I've always wondered this stuff. Why can't the doctor just ask the girl to put it on her chest? He can point to exactly where he needs the stethoscope on his own chest and let her put it on the correct spot. Likewise, in the case of males, why do we need to drop our pants when they want to fondle our dingleberries? I know I can easily feel my happysacks without looking at them.
This is just too silly, granny is conservative and doctor is doing his job. Granny does not rock and doctor is not conducting an assault by listening to OPs heartbeat. If doctor by a mere coincidence was a predator in his spare time isn't relevant to the FML.
Perv hysteria at its best. Expect the cost of healthcare go even higher with less people wanting to be deemed as pervs just for doing their job. It's like one of those joke pictures with a caption that you see on internet. Go to google IMAGE search and google "dirty mind". Same with this FML. If you you see something perverted with a professional doing his/her job (exam w/stethoscope has been done for two centuries since it was invented in early 19 cent.), then it is you who is the pervert. And heaven forbid you'll ever need to do a colonoscopy, proctology exam, or OB/GYN exam (ladies). You'll come back screaming that you got assaulted and butt-raped. There is nothing in this world I fear more than the well-meaning idiots and their hysterical groupthink ways.
#88 -probably because it would take ages to make people do it right and get the exact right spot. Also, it's important that the rubber tube thing doesn't touch things, or the doc would only hear the rustling of their shirt, for instance. I just wish people would stop acting so paranoid...
if we did everything our selves y pay doctors 100's of thousands a year? its what they went to school for fuvking 8+ years to do. if u have a problem with a guy checking a girls breath. then ask the doc. do you mind getting a female doctor? I'm sure if it's possible they will. and because they don't just check if ur "dingleberries" are there. but also for deformalities. the grandma over reacted. from how the op is telling the story. maybe the grand saw something she didn't. but from what we have been told granny is getting charged with battery unless she can prove he tried to molest her grand daughter.
135 I wasn't responding to you, but rather expressing my opinion about the likes of OP's grandmother, who battered a doctor for doing his job. If I were the doctor, I'd call police on her senile ass and at least exclude her family members from the list of my patients forever. With US having less doctors per capita than even for example Cuba does, it's not like there is any shortage of clients, quite the opposite. I have to wait at least 2 weeks for non-emergency visit at my family doctor's office and it's typical for a specialist doctor to have 2+ months wait.
#122 "charged with battery" lol
She's right he was defiantly making a move on you! Wish my grandma threw down
I know right?! Go gran go!!!!!!
This reminds me of that Grandma from Madagascar.
23- haha! "Bad kitty!"
52. That's the joke you moron
Gran was a MMA professional after all.
Way to go Gran!
Lol defiantly? I like it better than definitely
your grandma is a legend.
a legendary pervert fighter. she was top of here class in that category.
Nazi alert!
Mien grammar is gooder.
What a perv! Who does he think he is?? A doctor??
At least he didn't use a thermometer, damn doctors and their twisted sex instruments of healing
can you please build a statue of this particular lady?
that's one badass grandma.
I hate going to the doctor...

What a perv! Who does he think he is?? A doctor??
She's right he was defiantly making a move on you! Wish my grandma threw down