By Anon. - 02/01/2013 21:53

Today, my dog died. We planned to get her cremated and keep the ashes. My sister put forward the idea of putting the ashes in our food so our dog can be "inside of us, always." She's completely serious. I'm scared to eat food from her now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 374
You deserved it 2 477

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Doesn't sound that bad. I snorted my fathers ashes. He would be rolling in his grave but it seems he doesn't have one.

noble13 3

not really with u forever ... more like 3 days max

omg your sick, who even thinks of doing that, specially suggests it??

VampTat 10

It was the sister who suggested it, not the OP.

rocker_chick23 27

You graduated school a year early, and you don't know the difference between you're and your, or know how to read? The school must be full of idiots.

You should inform her that her reasoning is exactly the same as Jeffrey Dahmer's.

UltravioleXx 1

I would say, "KILL IT! KILL IT WITH FIRE!" But that seems innapropriate..