By Anon. - 02/01/2013 21:53

Today, my dog died. We planned to get her cremated and keep the ashes. My sister put forward the idea of putting the ashes in our food so our dog can be "inside of us, always." She's completely serious. I'm scared to eat food from her now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 374
You deserved it 2 477

Same thing different taste

Top comments


onorexveritas 23

please tell me your sister is like 5?

carminecris89 13

Your sister is a creep. How bizarre and gross. You need to tell your parents to pull rank and by a nice urn to put up in a family room. We already have three dogs ashes on the mantle in the living room.

zombieslayer83 19
Glitterprincess 8

R.I.P doggy I hate it when something you love is gone and your sister is a weirdo and doesn't understand.

My condolences for the death of your dog and for having a deranged sister.

I had to scroll way farther than I thought to find this comment.