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By Anonymous - 14/09/2012 16:51 - United States

Today, my 12 year-old dog died. My boyfriend's attempts to comfort me involved him muttering, "At least she knows how to play dead now." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 161
You deserved it 2 392

Same thing different taste

Top comments

taniamw 9

Teach your boyfriend how to roll over by hitting him in the balls lol. That was insensitive of him though.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

I'm sorry about your dog :( your boyfriend most likely is just really awkward with comforting people and was trying to make you feel better about it, but if he was seriously being a douche then you should rethink your relationship. Even though it's a dog, dogs feel like family to a lot of people and it's an insensitive thing to joke about.


starman02 12

Maybe your boyfriends way of comforting you was by humour? some people really don't know how to make someone feel better in that situation, so they try to make them laugh. Just a thought

Pretty_Pink_Lady 10

1- Did you miss that the dog is literally dead? Can't teach a dead dog new tricks... Edit: just realized you're probably talking about the boyfriend. How creepy of you.

26 - I think they meant "teach you boyfriend to "play dead"." in the same way the dog was playing dead (killing the bf). Still not a great comment though.

Sorry to hear that Op :/ you had 12 years with her though and a lot of memories :)

taniamw 9

Teach your boyfriend how to roll over by hitting him in the balls lol. That was insensitive of him though.

Your boyfriend is a piece of shit, OP. This is why I like animals better than people.

37 That is also why you'll die forever alone, with only your 27 dogs and 15 cats.

It would have made me laugh and feel a little better...

I've learned that in situations like this , it's the best to just not say anything and hug the person.

thrAsHeRr9081 16

40 - Technically speaking, they still wouldn't be alone ;-) My dog is great company!

2, someone says something you don't agree with and your first instinct is to crush his genitalia? Holy shit.

olpally 32

Be a little more sympathetic... Dogs are tough to lose.. :(

tne201992 12

It is really hard! I remember losing my dog who I had for 11 years, it took me awhile to get over it.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

I'm sorry about your dog :( your boyfriend most likely is just really awkward with comforting people and was trying to make you feel better about it, but if he was seriously being a douche then you should rethink your relationship. Even though it's a dog, dogs feel like family to a lot of people and it's an insensitive thing to joke about.

Yeah, when my dad went to put ours down 5 years back, they asked him if he needed grief counseling.

xCrazyMexican 4

Oh that's horrible! :( sorry op

Well, some men aren't the best at showing sympathy sometimes. Sorry about your dog.

*some people* There, I fixed so it sounds less sexist.

Sorry about your dog, OP. As to what your boyfriend said, it's his job to at least try to comfort you. My advice is to lose the boyfriend and find someone that actually cares about you.

He was trying, he might not have said something very comforting, but he was trying to make her laugh. How do you know he doesn't care? I had someone tell me 'don't worry, your dogs not really dead' when my dog died, doesn't mean they don't care, it means they don't know what to say.


Some people's coping mechanism through tragedy is with comedy. Obviously it didn't work in this scenario and maybe he should have known that she would've taken it badly. But everything I just mentioned depends on an individual's personality, so what works for one person won't necessarily work for another. When some people are nervous, they sweat. Others might laugh. There is no 'right' comforting thing to say to someone when something like this happens, you can only try to bring some modicum of happiness into a time of grief.