By Anon. - 02/01/2013 21:53

Today, my dog died. We planned to get her cremated and keep the ashes. My sister put forward the idea of putting the ashes in our food so our dog can be "inside of us, always." She's completely serious. I'm scared to eat food from her now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 374
You deserved it 2 477

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Either your sister has read "Stranger in a Strange Land" or you should make sure she Never. Does.

Explain to her the process of poop. Not P.O.O.P, people order our patties poop, but, actual poop..

My immature Spongebob-watching college self loves you for this reference.

I'm so sorry to hear about your dog and the trauma to boot.

Dreamkiller51 5

I'm guessing your dog was a Bitch!

tj5810 21

I have no witty reply but I just wanted to say sorry about your dog. I'm a huge animal lover and its heartbreaking when a pet dies. Sorry OP.

chrisp87 11

That's horrible just bury the poor dog quick before your sister gets ahold of the dogs ashes. Who knows she might try to make chocolate milk out of the remains it's happened before and the outcome is never good.

kennaem1 11

Well, you'd poop him out eventually

That's a strange and creepy idea. IHope your parents talked her out of it and proposed a new idea.