By Crystal_Nicole - 14/12/2013 05:05 - United States - Wichita

Today, my dog played dead just so I would leave him alone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 515
You deserved it 7 066

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's the exact opposite with my dog and his damn ball! I'm the one playing dead so he'll leave me alone!

Don't terrier self up about it, it's pawsible that your dog was just having a ruff day.


It's the exact opposite with my dog and his damn ball! I'm the one playing dead so he'll leave me alone!

What if you play dead and he starts eating you???

It's a dog eat dog world out there. *Hears groans*

Sounds like #1 and OP should trade dogs haha

RedPillSucks 31

You've got one of those dogs too? Our dogs need to get together. He's got the doggy version of OCD when fetching tennis balls

hugozac88 22

Hahaha I would to have this dog

Does it complain when you keep it up, or play the tv to loud? I've met dogs who do that.

I imagined it like this xD: Human: C'mon doggie, fetch it. Dog: **** off mate, tryin' to be dead here.

You could say he/she was being a bitch.

150493x 29
150493x 29

Thanks for clarifying that for me.

That's kinda how I do it when I want my parents to leave me alone at times. Except I don't play dead. I'm exhausted. I'm sleeping. Finals week is a bitch. :(

Rainhawk94 27

Just drink your apple juice and crackers before every test

oj101 33

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oj101 33

#14 - look up the meme - "yes, this is dog". It implies that dogs love unconditionally and are naive, but I was playing off it by making OP's dog unbothered about it.

But I bet she rolls over once he brings the leash out.