By broken_tibia - 10/12/2010 17:30 - Canada
broken_tibia tells us more.
clarification: I was wearing a shin-gaurd (clearly not a very good one...), the kick had enough force to break my leg anyways. Also, I only know about the loud crack because people told me about it, I didn't hear it myself (I was too busy writhing in agony to register much of anything really).
Top comments
You should drink more milk.
that is very true!
my llama can dance the mocarina
spelled wear wrong
70, you win.
milk is for wimps who break their tibias
My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard, And their like It's better than yours, Damn right it's better than yours, I can teach you, But I have to charge it really is good though. a lot of calcium for your bone. ers.
48: It does, dumbarse. Clacium is good for bones. I've drunk a fuckton of milk over my life and haven't broken a single bone:
hahaha 75, 79 - csi win :D
I second this. I've been hit in the side of the shin by the bumper of a car going 40mph on a 35mph street. Before someone says "YDI for being in the street with oncoming traffic" It was nighttime and the black car had no lights on. Even if I did deserve it, the point is My leg didn't break. Drink yo' milk.
man up and get off the field. wimp
wear decent shin pads next time
OP's mom really has her priorities straight. >.>
Hey, she had 5 bucks riding on that game.
She had more riding on that game ;D
Dummy if a player is injured and sits on the field to long, simply if the game is paused to long, then it is forfit and your team would lose. Would you want that?
Ahaha, so true! One of my teammates did such a thing at a tournament, both the two teams were disqualified since neither of us had scored a goal. Everyone bitched at the dude...poor, poor dude
that is completely wrong! I play soccer on a rep team, and in one game we had a guy break his leg, and in the same game we had a guy collapse on the field, plus the other team had a player sent off, a total of 45 minutes were delayed, we never cancelled. there's just a lot of added/injury time. the only possible way for a game to be cancelled was if there was lightning. I could see that POSSIBLY happening if it was a tournament and the other games had to go ahead.
dnt be stupid,the ref stops the game or adds time on at the end for injuries and substitutions
You obviously don't play/watch football :/. Silly kids, it's called football not soccer.
For starters it's a pitch not a field and also football (soccer) is never abandoned because of an injury no matter how long it takes, that's what injury time is for. Fool. Matches are only ever forfeit if a team loses 5 players due to sendings off. OP - ouch, get better soon!
Not true. I'm a ref, and like all refs, own a FIFA law book, and there is no law that says anything like that. There is, however, a law allowing for extra time in case of an injury, or other stoppages. Its called stoppage time. BS.
Time for some calcium....
That sounds painful U.U
Well your mommy sounds loving:l
I especially love the mom-part

OP's mom really has her priorities straight. >.>
Gotta love soccer moms!