By meeeoow - 22/01/2011 10:05 - Australia

Today, my drunken father decided to walk my quiet street naked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 663
You deserved it 2 777

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Of course he did - you're from Nude South Wales.

jayellef 3

should have given him a toy to play with in the house instead. drunks are easily distracted.


lmao you'll look back at it one day and laugh too ..

That sounds like something my dad would do :/ but he would break into their houses and rub "it" in there faces........

FAdEDz 0

lol "were going streeking threw the qaud and into the gymnasium"

Sorry Op, my dad's a drunk too. Not fun :(

Ick! Been there! At least he doesn't drive and drink! Mine drank a full bottle of vodka a day and lived to 78. I still can't figure out how...

littlesunshine_fml 9

my dad would do that too if he would take 2 steps without falling down...

SharnaaaBanana 22

Oh no! Great story to tell him haha

I just pictured will Ferrell streaking... "Honey, do you think KFC is still open"?