By Anonymous - 23/10/2010 16:01 - United States
Same thing different taste
Age gap
By YoungBlood - 16/08/2024 08:00 - Australia
Is this guy Hugh Hefner?
By Gold diggerzzzzzzz - 15/03/2021 13:01 - United Kingdom
By FreakedOut - 31/07/2009 08:03 - United States
He gets around
By Anonymous - 24/04/2024 11:00 - United Kingdom
By Anonymous - 16/09/2023 23:02 - United Kingdom
By .... - 08/06/2009 04:08 - United States
By Anonymous - 04/12/2009 05:12 - United States
Family goals
By Stephenstrange - 22/07/2021 13:59 - United States - Clinton Township
That's creepy, dude
By Anonymous - 04/10/2021 11:01
By ohcrap - 11/12/2009 00:28 - United States
Top comments
25: F'ed up? Undoubtedly. Illegal? Only if they were having sex.
haha my mom was 13 when she got pregnant with me. I'm 24 she just turned 39. and my dad was 21 when he got her pregnant.I'm puerto rican. nuff said!
Hey it's like Ashton kutcher! Only it's the opposite and 10 years younger.
that's kinda creepy. pedophile
74- jesus! only 13?! that's ****** up. your poor mom D;
with dateline msnbc.
it's really not as big a deal as people would like u to believe, ( sometimes I just think it old fat and ugly women who are against it) though it's because people think that it's oppressive of women, a lot of people in history have had young brides, mugwort, edger Allen Poe, and more.
186, times have changed.
This wouldn't be an FML for you because you were born, so you can't say FML when you're..I'm confused.
you're pretty
omg, are you from surrey?
thats not dating thats babysitting.
and sorry. how old are u again op?
it's only illigeal to have sex. adults can't have sex with minors. its rape. no matter what.
wellllll, obviously we have a RAPIST in Lincoln park.
No, they don't have to have sex. If 1, or both partners are younger then 18, and the age difference is 4 years, then it's illegal. Whether their having sex, or just dating. Thats pedophilia on the dads part.
Pedo Dad, Pedo Dad, does whatever a Pedo Dad does...
loool a 21 yr old fkin a 13 year old... nice
lol omg your profile info made me laugh sooo freakin hard!! =))
ur mom probably thought she was like da bomb and all this good shit infront of her friends while dating a 21 year old guy!
I'm actually wearing a back brace with shoulder pads because I had major spinal surgery a few months ago, and won't be able to 'work out' for another 18 months, so shut the hell up?
that's embarrassing, my iPod is ****** up, sorry :/
were they screwing? that's all I want to know..
My mom went to senior prom in 6th grade with her 12th grade guy and currently her husband is 20 years older then her. If you really like someone age shouldn't matter.
akward conversation O_O
That's... wow. The fact that they actually stayed together up until now is a miracle in itself.
Only if they were having sex. Which they probably were though.
mr west is in the building;)
Brings a whole new meaning to the term "play date", doesn't it?
It's illegal, but just because something is illegal doesn't mean no one does it. For example, my aunt and her husband moved in together when he was in his late 20s and she was barely 15. They've been together for over 30 years now.
It depends on what OP means by "dating". If they were just hanging out, then it's not illegal. If they were having sex (presumably in the US where OP is posting from), then yes, it would be.
There's a distinct difference between conduct that would be considered creepy or inappropriate and that which would be actually illegal. As your question in #11 was specifically "is that legal?", that's what I answered, although that seems to be not what people want to hear. The laws on Child Sexual Abuse are very specific, and if the OP's Dad didn't do any of those things, then no, it wasn't actually 'illegal'. "Is that weird?", or "do you think that's OK?" are completely different issues.

wow. I guess age really didn't matter to them..
That's... wow. The fact that they actually stayed together up until now is a miracle in itself.