By yeah... - 22/01/2009 22:47 - United States

Today, my ex-boyfriend, who I am still in love with, sent me a text message that said, "I miss you, baby." It turns out my name comes right after his girlfriend's name on his contact list. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 801
You deserved it 2 250

Same thing different taste

Top comments

today, i accidentally texted my ex-girlfriend "i miss you" instead of my current girlfriend. fml

Why do all these people keep their ex's numbers in their phones? If I'm not with you, I have no desire to keep your contact info with me. Perhaps it's just me, but it seems unnecessary to continue to hang onto the past like that..


AnaMaree 0

It's your fault for wanting the jerk back... idiot. YDI!

personally, I think it looks like she cut it with a ruler taped to her face

^ what the **** is wrong with you? you don't even ******* know her. & that's called bangs, dumbfuck.

smiley99114 0

today, i accidentally texted my ex-girlfriend "i miss you" instead of my current girlfriend. fml

thats happened to me -.- kassy and kasey..

He might have wanted you back, but had second thoughts. FYL

So what if your name comes after his current girlfriend's name.

He texted her instead of his gf =| Am I the only one who gets it?

pinkuggs4ever 0

Oh my goodness. That is so so sad. I would cry ever single time. I'm so sorry for you. "I miss you baby" That's exactly what my boyfriend texts to me...I love him. I'm sorry

thats why i have a space before my gf's name so shes at the top of my list so this kind of thing never happens

guardgirl34 0
bubblybrooke 12

aw, I'd cry. I'm in the same situation....except he hates me

I don't know maybe it's just me but I actually know my girlfriend's name, and when texting her something like missing her I watch the contacts so she gets it and no one else. I don't know though, you love him so clearly he's the greatest guy ever, especially since he uses a cliched petname like baby. P.S. if you couldn't tell, YDI. Try not to fall in love so easily.

tell him he needs to learn how to read