By yeah... - 22/01/2009 22:47 - United States

Today, my ex-boyfriend, who I am still in love with, sent me a text message that said, "I miss you, baby." It turns out my name comes right after his girlfriend's name on his contact list. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 801
You deserved it 2 250

Same thing different taste

Top comments

today, i accidentally texted my ex-girlfriend "i miss you" instead of my current girlfriend. fml

Why do all these people keep their ex's numbers in their phones? If I'm not with you, I have no desire to keep your contact info with me. Perhaps it's just me, but it seems unnecessary to continue to hang onto the past like that..


88sforlife 0

Today I Accidentally Txted My Exboyfriebd I Miss U Instead Of My Current Boyfriend!!"

I know my boyfriends number by heart this would never happen to me sucks for you op fyl I remember I was like that with my ex bylut were finally friends after a year and I'm in love with my current bf of 9 months and counting and glad me and my ex are over so advice to you: you won't always feel head over heals for him I promise it may take a year or two but thongs will get easier. I have a friend going through the same thing but worse. he slept with her again just as a game she is having the hardest time getting over him.

MusicLover951320 0

I'm so sorry. if my last ex sent me a text like that, I would bawl. it's not that I miss him, it's just he hurt me so bad that I didn't think I would ever get over him. and now that I'm completely over him, I would bawl if he sent that to me, even if he meant to send it to someone else. just knowing that we are over hurts. I feel for you OP., and I'm sorry.

Wow. People are getting killed in war an starving in Africa and your whining about a contact list?

Why do all these people keep their ex's numbers in their phones? If I'm not with you, I have no desire to keep your contact info with me. Perhaps it's just me, but it seems unnecessary to continue to hang onto the past like that..

I hate how a lot of you people are saying she deserves it for falling in love so easily or for still wanting the 'jerk' back. Did I totally misread the part where they talk about their relationship? She OBVIOUSLY still has his number because she's still into him, AS SHE SAID. Sheesh, people.'ll get over him and find someone else...

scottishoatmeal 22