By ladylarni - 07/04/2013 08:20 - Australia

Today, my ex-husband officially became my stepdad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 96 045
You deserved it 4 869

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MonsterCommenter 4

What the hell is going on in your family?!?


That's disgusting. Your life definitely sucks.

The weird part would be if OP and her ex-husband have children and then OP's ex-husband had children with OP's mother (hopefully this is no longer possible) because then their kids would be aunt/uncle and niece/nephew and siblings and OP would be the sister to her kid(s)'s siblings. Definitely Jerry Springer material! :)

RedPillSucks 31

OPs mom was probably 15 when she got pregnant with OP. if OP married young her mom may have still been pretty fine. OPs future ex husband probably had fantasies of a 3-way with OP and her mom.

RedPillSucks 31

Is your ex named Harold and your mom named Maude?

amayranii 2

Wow! He really did keep it in the family! FYL OP

DashItAll 10

Wow! Fathers day just got very awkward. So sorry, no deserves this kind of family.

FML_14u2c 14

Wow, that sounds like a sick and twisted way to get back at your ex. Sorry OP. this has definitely F(ed)YL.

Look on the bright side, atleast you know your mom thought you had good taste..good enough for her as well :/

I would kill him... But thats just my way of dealing with stuff like that, it has solved many of my problems before. ;-)

Sick just think he's riding that ass