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By Guy - 17/10/2015 18:23 - United States - O Fallon

Today, the man who fired me from my job became my stepfather. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 155
You deserved it 1 710

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, at least he can't fire you from being your mom's son.


"Well you may have laid me off but I laid your daughter so I guess were even"

What? His mom married the boss; OP didn't marry the boss' daughter.

I think you've gotten father-in-law and step father mixed up #1

It's more like, "I just fired you. Now I'm ******* your mom."

I guess it really pays not to comment immediately after waking up. Oh well.

Jut say that his daughter is better than his job.

you're the guy who laughs at jokes after everyone's gone. .

Least i have friends that can tell me jokes.

You can now ask him to hire you again?

Well I guess you can get your job back now

He is a smart man, you can't work with family, which is probably why you were fired.

Dick: that sounds even better to call him.

itwasntme14 19

What did he fire you for? If it wasn't anything really serious you should ask for your job back. But no matter why he fired you as your step dad he should be mentoring you and helping you get a new job. Good luck with your new family situation!