By Anonymous - 09/05/2013 16:01 - United States

Today, my ex-wife, whom I divorced just 8 months ago, asked me to attend her wedding, because "it would mean a lot" to her. She's marrying the man she cheated on me with. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 254
You deserved it 3 321

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Good riddance. In the words of a wise young black woman, "SHE A STUPID HOE."

MrSarcasmic 10

don't worry the poor sap will find out the same as you


Go and bring someone 10x as attractive as her! Make her jealous and look bad at her own damn wedding.

fu** that bit** you deserve better.

Op should vow never to speak to her again. It is bad enough that she cheated on him, but to marry the guy? Op should tell the guy she is marrying to back out because she is known to cheat or just tell him to keep an eye on her because she is known to cheat.

kbummm 8

Unless it's far away, absolutely accept. You get a free meal and hopefully an open bar, which will come in handy when you get rip roaring drunk and tell her new in-laws all about how the happy couple met. Make sure to audibly chuckle during the vows. Bonus points if you can swipe a gift from the table on your way out.

I love you! That is the most brilliant thing I have ever read, remind me to never cheat on you ;)

Propose a toast while you're there. Tell the obligatory 'how they met' story to everyone. Best yet, try to look like you're completely oblivious as to why the room suddenly gets quiet when you start with "when we were married," and move on to, "she SAID she was going to her mother's but-"

I would go there and embarrass her and trash her wedding so her day would be ruined

bring a bunch of buddies.... get piss drunk with a DD and go to town at her wedding