By vansboy - 15/11/2010 04:26

Today, my family had a secret meeting on my "puberty issues." I'm 21. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 935
You deserved it 3 645

Same thing different taste

Top comments

this looks like Justin biebers future FML

stealthkitten 3


Arsonnist 3

So much for secret. Are you a spy?

ok here's what you need to do, go steal a car, and a copy of Morrison hotel. go until you run out of gas then get out and have sex with the first thing you see. then you will be a man (or woman).

1. ********** quieter. 2. wear deodorant. 3. talk calmly so your voice doesn't crack. 4. use a concealer on your zits. 5. shave. 6. clean up the bathroom after you shave. 7. control your mood swings with meditation or drugs. 8. stop acting horny with the pets.

RedPillSucks 31

You forgot 9. ?????? 10. Profit!!!

9 could be stop hanging out in the playground at McDonalds. And OP should KNOW it's true

bamagrl410 31

I feel like this story is missing something... like maybe a point haha. Oh, and marinus, what did you get banned for?

vballchick101 0

late bloomer eh? well hopefully they can help with your "little" problem.

oldpeople 0

Sounds like a certain little boy.... Justin Bieber.. Hah

kk15375 0

when you say nice personality, you mean the one that punched a 12 year old? he's a real winner.