By stutterernotschizophrenic - 15/11/2010 03:43

Today, I was alone in my dorm room rehearsing comments to make in my writing class tomorrow. I grew up with a severe stutter, and rehearsing like this is one of the ways I keep my speech under control. What I didn't plan on was my roommate walking in. I think she now thinks I'm schizophrenic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 789
You deserved it 2 993

Same thing different taste

Top comments

there is a very simple solution to this. when she walks in on you, pause and say: 'oh hi, i was just rehearsing for my class tomorrow' if she lives with you she probably knows you have a stutter and she'll understand. duh.

ideasrule 13

Tell her about it? Is it so hard for her to believe you have a stutter if you see her every day?


Yep. Now your life is ****** and you will never be able to explain to her the truth although she is right next to you.

thesunsetglow_fml 8

I believe it was a poor attempt to say "pear backwards". Tsk, they must have a speech impediment like the OP. Sighs. On a compleately unrelated note.. I know this guy who has a speech impediment that makes it sound like he has a British accent. Coolest thing ever. :)

thesunsetglow_fml 8

Whoops, got my quotation mark in the wrong place. ** "pear" There we go. At ease, grammar Nazis. As you were!

Don't worry, 22, none of us get it, either.

lol so your saying british people sound like that because they all have speech impediments?! interesting

no, I've heard people are told that if they fake an accent their stuttering will decrease...crazy...

petrc1290 0


But if you normally stutter, wouldn't she know?

Probably. Her roommate might not have ever seen her nervous before.

Perhaps op rehearses every conversation of her life before she has it O_o

ideasrule 13

Tell her about it? Is it so hard for her to believe you have a stutter if you see her every day?

FriendlyFires 0

i know how you feel,I have the same problem

Arsonnist 3

Do you rehearse everything you say to her?

there is a very simple solution to this. when she walks in on you, pause and say: 'oh hi, i was just rehearsing for my class tomorrow' if she lives with you she probably knows you have a stutter and she'll understand. duh.

Exactly this. Firstly, rehearsing stuff is what everybody is told to do, and secondly, so what - just explain it. Either you reacted in a bizarre manner, or your roommate is staggeringly immature. If they bring it up again, just tell them they're a idiot.

I find most FMLs, like Adam Sandler movies, can be solved very easily with a simple conversation.

FYLDeep 25

Nah, you got it mixed up. You're supposed to practice writing for writing class. I know these things can be confusing...

This comment totally made me laugh. Out loud even. Well done.

hey that's cool! some really smart people are schizophrenic!