By vansboy - 15/11/2010 04:26

Today, my family had a secret meeting on my "puberty issues." I'm 21. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 935
You deserved it 3 645

Same thing different taste

Top comments

this looks like Justin biebers future FML

stealthkitten 3


hahahahahahahaaa lol thats the funniest thing ive heard all day!!! ur life may suck but ur making mine better :P

As an Xbox nerd would say: "SHUT UP KID YOUR BK!"

angelbaby01 0

OMG-Wax but I hardly go on it and I only have like 2 games. So dont bother

if it's a secret meeting, how'd u know about it

Tell your family to get some hobbies, and leave you alone, with your sex doll.

Does dyslexia run rampant in your family's bloodlines? That would explain it...

davek 36

Stop leaving "those" socks lying around the room.

jaaaz 3

hahha but why did they have a meeting about this?

teenager34 0

"I'm 21"... thts probably why

1) justin beiber stills a girl. 2)adopted