By Flarewolf - 04/06/2011 18:09 - United Kingdom

Today, my family went and visited my nan. She ushered me in close and asked, "When are you going to knock it off with all this emo cockshite?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 076
You deserved it 46 556

Same thing different taste


I take it that a "nan" is like a grandmother but in British talk. howdy from Amerca!!

SkaterSierra 0

Emos rock. Don't listen to that bitch.

I guess if your into sissy manic depressives who like to cut themselves just so that they can get attention

not all people cut for sympathy and attention... some people who cut hide it from everyone else and don't want any attention drawn to it... some cut to vent psychological pain, it externalises it... it draws the mind away from one thing and onto another, an escape, if you will

thekrammer 5

Don't try to act like your emo. Your not, only a very few amount of people are.

I don't know her but I love your nan!

GreenMuzz 0

Emos are *****. Plain and simple.

I think you have the coolest nan in all the world.

emo is a state of mind, not the way a person dresses. that is no right of her. all I can say is, come up with a witty comeback. three cheers for sweet revenge!

GreenMuzz 0

Emo is bent. And so are you if you disagree.

Once the moment has passed, any comeback concerning her nan's comment ceases to be witty. Needless to say, she's already missed that window of opportunity. All's anyone can do about it now is hope that the subject will resurface at a later date with much of the same intro.

can always trust a nan to tell it how it is!