By BloodyButUnbowed - 23/06/2019 12:50
BloodyButUnbowed tells us more.
OP here. Sorry for being confusing. We don't have much room, so I had to condense pretty drastically. Basically, an aunt with a history of mean behavior introduced me to some random elderly relative I'd never met before, at my father's funeral. Without asking, the elderly stranger tried to hug me. I held out my hand to fend her off, which some people claim is all that's needed to escape from an unwanted hug. Instead, the rando began shrieking fake hurt -- "You DON'T want a HUG?" with an exaggerated stricken expression. Grieving and already overwhelmed, I allowed her to grab me. The nasty aunt who introduced us, and who has made a hobby of ridiculing me ever since my birth, then trotted to the center of the room. While literally pointing at me and guffawing, she started yelling ridicule -- the "BloodyButUnbowed had her hand out! She thought she was gonna shake hands!" stuff, while glancing around to see who would mock the deceased's daughter with her. She may have been audible in the next county. Nobody joined her, since most people have better manners than my family, but she tried for a while. I am very happy living on the other side of the continent from these people.
Top comments
I am totally confused. why would you holding out your hand make the crowd laugh?
Fortunately, the crowd didn't actually laugh. She just tried to get them to laugh. There's not really anything funny about extending a hand. She just likes mocking everything I think, say, and do (even at a time like that), so found amusement for herself in my failed attempt to get out of being grabbed.
I'm sorry about your dad but I have no clue what you're saying there :x
What a horrible person. I hope she comes out of her job one day to find that her car has a flat tire when she's super tired and worn out and just wants to go home & drink wine.
OP here. Sorry for being confusing. We don't have much room, so I had to condense pretty drastically. Basically, an aunt with a history of mean behavior introduced me to some random elderly relative I'd never met before, at my father's funeral. Without asking, the elderly stranger tried to hug me. I held out my hand to fend her off, which some people claim is all that's needed to escape from an unwanted hug. Instead, the rando began shrieking fake hurt -- "You DON'T want a HUG?" with an exaggerated stricken expression. Grieving and already overwhelmed, I allowed her to grab me. The nasty aunt who introduced us, and who has made a hobby of ridiculing me ever since my birth, then trotted to the center of the room. While literally pointing at me and guffawing, she started yelling ridicule -- the "BloodyButUnbowed had her hand out! She thought she was gonna shake hands!" stuff, while glancing around to see who would mock the deceased's daughter with her. She may have been audible in the next county. Nobody joined her, since most people have better manners than my family, but she tried for a while. I am very happy living on the other side of the continent from these people.

I am totally confused. why would you holding out your hand make the crowd laugh?
I'm confused. I read it 4 times and I'm still confused. Sorry about your dad though. I hope you find peace in whatever it is that you believe. But yes I would've pushed away a stranger as well.