By username - 17/11/2014 03:52 - United States - Elkhart

Today, my father told me to "go get a job". He has been unemployed for 3 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 972
You deserved it 3 249

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Parents often want better for their kids. You should probably follow his advice before you end up in the same boat and can't get a job.

I know a lot of parents with no university degree. That doesn't mean it's okay for them not to educate their kids.


brendejafulable 41

if you are over 18 he's right, get a job. is he unemployed by choice or a bad job market? if he's lazy, you need to get a job and get out so your not supporting him. if he's trying to find a job , maybe he's too embarrassed to ask you nicely to help out with the household expenses.

He can do what he wants he's a rebel- and so can you

He isn't wrong just because he is in the same boat.

Goblin182 26

Well someone in your household needs to bring home a paycheck. Serioulsy, get a job and move out. Don't let the deadbeat sponge off of you.

we dont know the situation, maybe the dad has al ton of savings, or he watches the kids while the mother brings in the cash? you can just call him a deadbeat over that, (except if he wanted them to get a job to mooch of their money, then yeah hes a deadbeat)

Well if you get one that might encourage him to get one as's not likely though

hey, you know what your father may be unemployed, but what does that tell us? nothing! so many people are being laid-off for factors out of their control and their age scares off other employers. so you need to provide us more details. if he's lazy, fine, fyl.

He doesn't mean no harm. If you're an adult you probably should listen to him :P