By username - 17/11/2014 03:52 - United States - Elkhart

Today, my father told me to "go get a job". He has been unemployed for 3 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 972
You deserved it 3 249

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Parents often want better for their kids. You should probably follow his advice before you end up in the same boat and can't get a job.

I know a lot of parents with no university degree. That doesn't mean it's okay for them not to educate their kids.


Maybe this is his way of motivating you , you may not want top be unemployed for 3 years

FrancoMC 5

you can't be unemployed for that long.

Oh yes you can. Been there, done that. I don't want to ever go there again, but it's definitely possible.

Even tho he sounds like a bit of a hypocrite he's probably right, everybody should try to work if they can, plus think about all the things you can do with that money *cough* **** hub membership :P *cough*

I bet he just wants the best for you, and sees a better person in you than in him. Maybe one day you'll inspire him to get a job, once that he sees that you can get one too(:

Maybe he wants you to make all the money in the family instead of his lazy ass doing anything? Sorry though OP.

Also: I see how this can sound a bit rude towards OP's dad, sorry about that. But like #1 said, maybe you should take his advice so you don't end up like him. Good luck.

You two could go job hunting together, it'll benefit both of ya'll, if that won't work, try to find a good job.

Maybe he's trying to find a job and suggesting you do the same