By ghoul - 08/03/2011 11:32
Same thing different taste
It's alive!
By notmyrealname123 - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - Canada - Kitchener
By Anonymous - 07/12/2012 15:30 - United States
By "jonnybones223" - 08/03/2019 04:00
By Sid - 10/04/2011 00:58 - United States
By eyesightfail - 21/11/2009 23:02 - United States
By Noname - 27/01/2009 19:42 - Ireland
By Facepalmum - 10/01/2013 06:28 - Australia - Melbourne
By tiredmom - 07/07/2016 15:03 - United States - Phoenix
By orilykid - 31/10/2012 17:23 - United States - Richmond
By Anonymous - 20/06/2013 16:54 - Pakistan - Lahore
Top comments
What's his name?
yeah, I want to congratulate him on catching a squirrel, they're sneaky buggers.
squirrels are the best don't b hatin
squirrels are rats with a fancy suit uuugh
Was his name Foamy? Foamy is one funny squirrel!
shoulda bought him that goldfish he wanted ... tsk , now instead your son is well on is way to becoming a serial killer :D com'mon it's not like he FOUND it like that. also you may want to wash all the kitchen knives :p
lol poor kid needs a real pet
If he starts foaming at the mouth, you may want to get him checked out.
Future serial killer!
yea my thoughts exactly..
let's add locks them away and does not feed them till they die....
Sounds like the beginning of a real life horror movie. Or maybe another Dumb and Dumber flic. Assuming he has a best friend...that's alive...
Was the squirrel alive when he got it?
I lol'd at this
Of mice and men reference FTW!
haha. yeah

What's his name?
Future serial killer!