By Anonymous - 17/07/2012 20:19 - United States - Renton

Today, my father, who is going through a serious mid-life crisis, walked into my room, told me to "sit the fuck down," and spent the next two hours ranting about how the Lord of the Rings books prophesy the end of the world this December, and that Sauron is an analogy for "corrupt bankers." FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 723
You deserved it 2 218

Same thing different taste

Top comments

olpally 32

*jeopardy music plays* while waiting for this first comment to get modded.


Nightmare998 0

Wow! How deep did he look into those movies? I could never come up with that from lord of the rings!

Seriously?!? Your dad is having a hard time right now the least you could do is quite whining like a little bitch and listen to what he has to say! Your gonna wish one day you weren't so judgmental of him!

Your father is a visionary. I wouldn't doubt the connection between the 2. This world is a hellhole after all.

Navyboy_Prevo02 0

Well scientists said they change their minds about the end of the world and changed the date to august!! Lame

I see his been watching some Lord of the Rings and some Nostradomas Effect.

pigbilly 0

And you're not willing to help him?

He sounds nuts sorry but he is should get him some serious help

he should meet my father in law. the guy is convinced Mitt Romney is the anti Christ

We're still here and it's 2016 I hope he didn't die on Dec 2012