By Anonymous - 14/07/2013 19:37 - Brazil - Campinas
Same thing different taste
By Jim - 11/01/2012 01:32 - Belgium
By Anonymous - 30/01/2016 06:47 - United States - Upper Marlboro
Thanks, I feel better!
By Neal - 10/08/2022 13:00 - United States - Northport
By Anonymous - 14/11/2024 23:00 - United Kingdom
Support system
By Anonymous - 19/12/2023 23:00 - United Kingdom
By Anonymous - 27/05/2015 13:39 - United Kingdom - Letchworth
Angry man
By Anonymous - 26/06/2022 00:00 - United States - Camden Wyoming
Empathy lives
By Natasha9 - 22/05/2021 20:01
Gatekeeping grief
By Anonymous - 21/12/2021 07:59
By kay-z - 21/06/2014 20:32 - United States
Top comments
Insensitive much?
Yeah, OP should ask her dad if she too should suck it up when he passes away, just because!
27, OP is a male, but other than that, you're right. Sorry OP, your father is a major douche, and sorry about your friend. Stay strong.
When did OP state their gender?
That was really inconsiderate of your dad.. I know how it feels to lose someone you truly care about and honestly I would rather endure any other torture than lose someone close to my heart. I'm sorry for your loss, OP..
I recently lost a loved one, I wasnt even a functioning adult during the first two weeks, and still haven't returned to normal. I probably won't ever. That being said, while awful things are happening in the world that may effect us as human beings, most of the time they aren't personable. Feeling sympathy for those going through hard times, and actually going through it are completely different. So it may seem selfish to an outsider because to them it may as well be a crisis over seas. But for you, having an important person in your life taken away is a BIG deal, for YOU. And that is all that matters. Mourn, be angry, ask why.. It's normal, healthy, and definitely not selfish. I'm sorry for your loss, from one un-selfish human being to another.
What a dick.theres nothing worse than losing a loved one, and that's why what's going on in the world is so devastating. Out of control issues that end up killing hundreds of people over ridiculous things. Loved ones are dying all over..
He isn't wrong, he's just an asshole.
Sitting in a 1by 1 metre room. You are strapped to the chair. No human contact for 2 years and your food being given to you through a chute. The only thing you have for company is a bunch of Justin Biebr cds playing on an infinite loop 24/7.
Yeah I'd rather die than that, 19.
Torture is basically slow death, the holocaust was mass dealings of death, nuking nations causes large amounts of death and the main goal of war is to cause death. Most of what you described is death, buddy.
No, torture is the extreme physical abuse of the human body, which can lead to death. Death is seen as a way out for many people being tortured so they embrace it. Torture is not death, death is death.
As for the holocaust, I'm pretty sure he meant the emotional part of it. The knowledge that you and your kind is being hunted and tortured for no other reason than your race, group, etc. To some, this is worse than death. Same with "Nuking a nation". The shock you go through and all the traumatic experiences which can lead to mental issues can be worse than death. And no, Idiot, the main reason for war is conquest and the desire to own more and rule over more. Or to defend what is yours.
You're my kind of person, #42.
Surviving when many others beside you did not. I can tell you from experience that I would prefer to have died in a few of my mates' place. Living can often, sadly, be a fate much worse then death. At least those who have passed no longer carry the demons and burdens that only terrible situations can create.
I disagree #2, there are much worse things than death.
Being beheaded. Torture and death put together.
Hell is. But then again, that isn't in this world.
@42 I know this is a bit Riddikulus, but your comment Lumos Maxima'd my day.
While researching my family tree I found out a member of my family a couple of hundred years ago tortured his son by feeding him only salted beef and no water. He died of dehydration a few days in.
Doing a poo in a public loo then realising theres no toilet roll is probably up there.
For 2 years i could probly do it noing that you will never get out until you die that would make me want to die
No AIDS is
What's worse then death is watching a loved one suffer through agonizing pain before a slow painful death. What's worse then death you say? The slow painful last days as someone is fighting cancer and there is no way for them to beat it. What's worse then death you ask? Watching my family suffer. I'd rather have them pass earlier then having to suffer through hell.
Argh, just because there is someone elsewhere who may have it worse than you, doesn't mean your problems are irrelevant!
Excuse me? What's worse than one of your good friends dying besides your close relatives? What an asshole.
Dictatorships, needless hunger, needless war, Hitler, Nazism, terrorism, Justin Bieber, nukes, an alien popping out of your chest, Justin Bieber...
Why must you need to add Justin Bieber, he's like any other troubled kid out there, just because he's famous and let his arrogance and money get to him doesn't mean he is just as bad as Hitler and such. It's not like he's killing the world, he's human and all this hate must have gotten to him at some point.. I don't like him so don't say I'm a fanboy or anything, it's just the fact that people act as if he isn't human, as if instead of a stupid teenager, he is some devil who should die. Where is the empathy, sorry for the rant once again.
The fact that you said all this in honor of Justin Bieber didn't help you much #56.
Did you not notice how I called him troubled, arrogant, and let the hateful media get to him? Doesn't mean I adore or despise him.
At least you feel emotion. What an insensitive prick.
Tell him to shut the f*ck up because he's one of the worse things going on in the world
Your dads a heartless SOB!
Your dad is a prick. Sorry op for your loss and the family's loss.
Your daddy has no heart. I'm sorry for your loss OP. Mourn (and if yiu have to, cry) all you need to cause it makes you feel better and it's not healthy to keep all that stuff in.

Insensitive much?
Death is the worse thing that can happen.