By Lysh - 24/11/2016 05:38

Today, my fiancé broke it off with me on our 3-year anniversary at 12:01 a.m. on Thanksgiving morning. Guess who gets to go to family gatherings where everyone will be asking where he is. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 898
You deserved it 876

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just mention Trump when you walk in and any of your personal issues will never come up.

airdude25 18

Oh my god! I'm so sorry OP! At least he is out of your life. It is better to find out he wanted out before marriage!


Weirddate 11

So sorry OP! He's a selfish scumbag! The next guy, the true "Mr. Right," will make him seem like a distant memory.

So a guy is selfish for not wanting a relationship anymore?

I dunno about selfish, but he certainly is an asshole for waiting until their anniversary to break up. I'm sure he didn't just get the idea that he didn't want to be with her anymore that day.

My ex and I were close to both sides of family. I avoid anything and everything regarding my ex at all cost but it's rough when such a long relationship ends, suddenly.

It's unfortunate that he did it on a holiday, but we can all stop acting like we know these people personally. For all you know, OP is a horrible person and 100% deserved to be broken up with. Or it could be the other way around. We don't know.

were you looking at clock when he was breaking up?

I'm not good at these guessing games. Who?

This could be a YDI.. we need more details. Why did he break it off with you? Was the problem his mistress or your snoring?? We need more facts dammit!

khadishja 12

i'm sorry! i hope your famliy is understanding