By bloody - 15/06/2013 08:57 - United States

Today, my fiancé threatened to leave me for "bleeding too damn much." FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 156
You deserved it 5 084

Same thing different taste

Top comments


RedPillSucks 31

So he's either gay or into cougars, or a necrophiliac, because otherwise its had to find non-bleeders in a relationship.

Why are you bleeding? Is it your period, a papercut, stab wound? Anyone else concerned about this fml?

Yeah. Im wondering if it could be a reference to self-injury or an injury of some kind

Silver3phoenix 3

Has he been completely oblivious to how the female body works?! Tell him it could be worse, you could stop bleeding. You really want to be with this dbag?

Beat him to the punch (so to speak) and toss him out first.

If he can't deal with a female body's basic functions, maybe he should switch to dating men instead. Get rid of the fool.

Bloody hell, OP, A woman should B positive before coagulating with such an O negative nucleus of cytoplasmic asshattedness! Exsanguinate, OP, exsanguinate!!!

Dammit, now I'm hearing "Exsanguinate!" in a Dalek voice. :-P