By cestquoicebordel?? - 14/08/2012 22:50 - France

Today, my fiancée showed me her wedding plans. It will be themed on one of her video games, the best man will be dressed as an alien warlord, and the vows talk about how we'll beat the odds and be blessed by the "Goddess Kalahira". Apparently, I have no say in this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 900
You deserved it 6 201

Same thing different taste

Top comments


She sounds awesome.. My gf that I'm planning to marry won't ever say anything like that >,> you have gotten a rare girl the marry you.. Why post it on FML?

Wouldn't you be happy to have any kind of video game wedding?

Crazy eyes man... Your fiancé has the crazy eyes.

Why is this on here?! That's amazing that someone wants this.

ParagonApteryx 5

Chill out Siha.... All will be well

cptncuttlefish 24

**** your life? Give me a woman like that and I'd be happy forever!

"Kalahira, mistress of inscrutable depths, I ask forgiveness. Kalahira, whose waves wear down stone and sand. Kalahira, wash the sins from this one and set him on the distant shore of the infinite spirit. Kalahira, this one’s heart is pure but beset by wickedness and contention. Guide this one to where the traveller never tires, the lover never leaves, the hungry never starve. Guide this one, Kalahira, and he will be a companion to you as he was to me."  Go fight the Reapers on your wedding day :-)