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By Anonymous - 06/08/2012 05:03 - United States - Mountain View

Today, my fiancée said that our relationship is doomed because an astrologer said so. We only have a few more days until our wedding and she won't listen to a word I say. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 816
You deserved it 2 575

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If the evidence of being together long enough to become engaged isn't enough for your fiancé to ignore an astrologer, then she is pretty much plain ignorant.

Just go outside at night and point at the stars and say "As you can cleary see, Capricorn is facing Gemini which is under the north star. Obviously, the stars agree that we were meant to be, otherwise Leo would be to the left!"


I was number 1. Oh yeah. Do the happy dance!

ByronJess 17

Oh, would you perhaps like a gold star to put on your forehead? I mean, being the first to comment on an FML is such a life changing and mind altering event.

sunnyt 5

"Honey.. I think our marriage should be called off because my horoscope said so. It says I am compatible with a Leo, and sadly you are a Virgo."

Time for the poor sap to dump her butt because if she's like this now imagine what she'll be like after their married.

kevsnev 7

OP should show his fiancé why she agreed to marry him (not dump her) by spending time with her and taking her out on dates. Just like how the guy in "The Vow" did. ;D

I dont agree with nr.1 because OP should convince her to go on with the marriage because they love Each other and probably been dating for a while be4 the proposal. Like come on, you fight for the 1 you love!!!! You don't just give up !!!!

The Vow was based on a true story. The couple it was based on now have kids and are happily married again.

**** The Vow, talk some sense into her!

Dekarian 7

57- Damm? I think you meant Damn.

caitigirl13 3

Actually, that movie is based on the true life events of a couple who went through the very same things and is now happily married today. No Hollywood bullshit there

I'm sure Hollywood added some creativity to make it a little more interesting. It's BASED on a true story. Not a documentary. So hollywood had some fun in the creativity department. I'm sure.

If the evidence of being together long enough to become engaged isn't enough for your fiancé to ignore an astrologer, then she is pretty much plain ignorant.

Either that or she's just making up excuses to get out of the wedding.

godisnowhere41 5

From her ignorance I'd say Your Wife Sucks

Am I the only one who read 2's comment in a really stuck-up, upper class voice?

I agree with 12. Sounds like she has serious doubts and is desperate to find an excuse, any excuse to be a run away bride. Best it happened now and not later with 2.5 kids and a mortgage!!!

robo_thunder 13

that's not even how astrology works.

robo_thunder 13

Even if you've just read a daily horoscope you'd know it doesn't work like that. Astrology could say their signs are not compatiable, but it never says "you are doomed end this now".

It's not just about their sign; if they went to an astrologer he or she looked every aspect of their chart, which actually can say a lot about a couple

Yes, because astrology totally "works"...

thiscrazything 1

She is probably just using it as an excuse, anyway, as a reason to get out of the relationship.

Your first mistake was thinking astrology works.

She's right you know. True astrologers don't just tell you that your marriage is going to fail. My guess is that something else is on her mind, and a bit of negative news from the astrologer has become her excuse because she doesn't want to hurt him. If she loves him fully, his perks and his flaws, do you really think she would end it over the word of an astrologer?

Actually, it did work - see, their relationship is definitely doomed now.

There is no agreement among astrologers what they claim they can do. The famous French astrologer Élizabeth Teissier predicted that Dominique Strauss Kahn would have a great year. You know 2011 ... the year when he lost his job as director of the IMF, was arrested by the police and had to give up his presidential ambitions. I don't see much of a difference between failing to predict the fate of a presidential candidate and failing to predict the fate of a marriage.

Just go outside at night and point at the stars and say "As you can cleary see, Capricorn is facing Gemini which is under the north star. Obviously, the stars agree that we were meant to be, otherwise Leo would be to the left!"

Trisha_aus 15

MOTHER OF GOD. This whole time, I thought it was pink!

ImmaB3AST 7

That's just plain retarded. Why do people listen to that? What does the day you were born and where the stars are and all that shit have to do with how you manage your life.

lexiieeex3 32

Please try not to use the word "retarded" it can be extremely offensive... :P

lexiieeex3 32

Sorry I don't mean to be annoying I just have two autistic brothers.

ImmaB3AST 7

I said the situation is retarded. I didn't call anyone retarded.

That doesn't help...the word is still offensive to a lot of people.

ImmaB3AST 7

So we can call people dumb asses. Isaid " you deserve it. ******* dumb ass." and it's the top comment on FML. Thats more offensive then calling a situation retarded.

Keliosan 6

People look for reasons to be offended in everything. Just move on with your life.

I don't understand how the word retarded can be offensive unless someone said (and I hope they never do) "oh man your autistic brother is retarded." What can you do people seem to forget the various meanings of a word, in this case it means stupid or ridiculous. If it was the meaning you are being 'offended' for then it would translate to-"this situation is mentally inhibited..." which quite frankly doesn't make sense. You're not offended because you're offended, you're offended because society seems that word offensive. So stfu thank you good day.

Retarded was originally used to describe people with mental disabilities. The meaning then changed to mean incredibly stupid. That's what's offensive. It's like calling something gay; using the word to mean stupid. Then someone feels bad if they are gay because society has now deemed them as stupid.

alphaskater09 9

I think retarded also means slow. Like a fire retardant suit. Does not stop fire from burning you but it slows it down so you can last longer without getting burned.

Keliosan 6

73- First, retarded was not originally used to describe mentally handicapped people. Second, if you take something out of the context it's used in and feel bad about it, you probably are stupid. Plenty of people don't use words they way they should, and if you run around crying about it life is going to be really tough.

I really never understood how people can buy into the concept of reading your future through astrological positions and signs.

dmblonde 13

Are you sure you want to marry her? She sounds a bit loopy in the head.

olpally 32

Just a bit loopy?? She sounds like a total nut job... Lol

pavlovaaLOVE 7

Whether she is stupid enough to believe shit like that.... Or is trying to find an excuse to end your relationship, it's pretty clear that u should move the **** on ASAP. Can't stand idiots like that !

A100893 30

Dodged a bullet there if she's that gullible.