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By Fmycar - 26/09/2009 05:19 - United States

Today, my football team played in a game against our rival school that was just a few blocks away. We hadn't lost the game in exactly 49 years, we were playing for the 50th year win. We lost 63-0, and got booed off the field by our own crowd. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 414
You deserved it 38 114

Same thing different taste

Top comments


YDI for thinking American "football" is football >.> God, shut up.

yo which school? i heard a story like that in my school

prettykitty123 0

How are they your teams rival if you beat them 49 year in a row

sbsoccer423 0

probably a school rivalry not necessarily a strictly football rivalry.

bosshaug 0

No it's not santaclara wilcox cause the scheldule said wilcox won 43-0

Laxguitar37 0

haha whoever thinks this is soccer is retarded...the OP said "today, at my football game"

bugmenotmofo 34

soccer is football in europe, dumbass

potsie 0

except he lives in california, so obviously its not european football

Yeah whenever a FML mentions football you can just look at where the OP is from and youll know if its handegg or football theyre talking about.

It's Football. Not football, Football. (lolwut)

Uh, no. It's football. It's not a proper noun.

soccer is called football where im from.. and im not from europe either..

If anyone thinks he is talking about soccer then you probably never heard of soccer before.

xobaby 0

You are rivals but they haven't beat you in 49 years??

Wow your school team must really ******* suck

potsie 0

my school is like that. We almost never lose to our rivals because the only good team they had was swimming, but nobody cared anyway (except them). My city is split up into two highschools so they r our rivals even though they generally lose to my school

potsie 0

wtf this was in reply to #22...

When Americans say football, they mean Hand-Egg-running-with-pussy-protection. :)

ISellHerbs 0

Pussy pads? Obviously you have never even watched a football game. I'd like to see a team of all of the people in the world who think in "pussy pads" play an NFL team of top grade athletes without pads and see if your individual medical bills don't go over $10,000 each.

i love when europeans say this, rugby players are tough, dont get me wrong, but id like to see some of them go against a professional lineman from the NFL. rugby guys are prolly 200 pounds? some of these lineman push 400 pounds, linebackers are more towards 250. would love to see one of them try and tackle brandon jacobs, haha

That's just stupid, rugby players play with almost no protection except a mouth guard, where as an American football player is layered with protection. Obviously the American footballer would win.

noName123456 0

no i think he means both teams going without pads

This is called superiority complex -inserts smiley-