By unlovedmommy - 08/05/2014 21:49 - United States - Rowlett

Today, my four year old son came into the restroom while I was applying my make-up, and asked me "Mommy, are you putting on make-up so that someone will love you?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 335
You deserved it 11 508

unlovedmommy tells us more.

OP here! My son says funny things like this frequently, and it never offends me! I encourage his sense of humor, even if he doesn't know what he's saying or why it's funny! I even tell other people about it, so they can get a laugh too. I was encouraged by my brother to post on fml, because it was that funny! He'll tell me sometimes that I don't look pretty yet until I've completed my make-up. That question made my day. After he said it, I just started laughing really hard, and said that was funny. He said it wasn't funny, and told me to stop laughing, which made it funnier! I'm married, so I'm not trying to get someone to love me. I don't really wear a lot of make-up anyway, so it's not really the "high school girl make-up" thing either. And I am an adult. Oh yea, and I say "restroom"! Thanks for all the caring and funny comments! :)

Top comments

"No, son, I'm applying makeup to look like I'm young enough for you to have never happened at all."


I think it was more like a general question. He may have thought that the only way for someone to love you is by applying makeup.

Gotta love the brutal uncensorship of tiny kids.

Awwww that's kinda sweet, in a way. He probably meant if you are getting all pretty'd up it must be for someone.

91hayek 31

I wanted to hear what he said afterwards. With kids there is always a follow up. Always. Either they pull a reversal on the implication of the question, e.g. "... so that someone will love you? Because I love you without makeup mommy!" or they devastate with a killer blow "... someone will love you? Because no one loves clowns, they are funny, not pretty!" Either way kids say it without malice and simple naivety that doesn't deserve anger or resentment. Unless they are precocious little *****; that's when the belt comes out for goofy time!

kids can be so mean sometimes, without actually trying to be. they ask whats on their mind and dont think about hurting feelings. dont let it get to you, and just tell him why you wear makeup. with questions..not easy to handle...