By Chanman1924 - 24/12/2012 21:06 - United States

Today, my friend put my phone number on Craigslist. I still can't find the ad, but obviously everyone else can because I still haven't stopped receiving naked pictures. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 565
You deserved it 3 769

Same thing different taste

Top comments

omfg_creepers 8

some people pay for that. consider yourself lucky

skip_m 6


bubo_fml 10

repost back on to craigslist...For all to see...

redhedsaysrawr 18

Don't give out revenge, you could get in serious trouble yourself. If you really want to push them, call the police

CallMeMcFeelii 13

What OP's friend did was a dick move. No pun intended, but calling the police is even worse than getting random naked pictures in my book.

cheezepoof2002 4

Not only is that infinitely more of a dick move, but I really don't imagine the cops giving too much of a flying ****. Most usually have better/more important things to deal with.

Idk, why dont you just turn your phone off? Delete the messages later.

Well, it's on a website called '**** my life'. I think you can figure it out from there.

That sucks, well you could put his in a gay ad #jussayin ...

Megan98 18

Put your friends address & phone number on every sight you can think of... :)

Like! The correct spelling is *site, idiot

No need to be a dick about it either douche.

SilverInGray 25

She made one mistake, don't be a jerk.

Xquisite1 28

Look up the meaning to the word "intentional" and then the meaning for"mistake" . You will find that they are quite different by definition. After learning the definitions of both words, you will soon understand that a MISTAKE is unINTENTIONAL and INTENTIONAL intent is NOT a MISTAKE.

Megan98 18

Simple mistake...I know how to spell the word for both meanings. Just didn't do it right there, ha.

WingsFan80 4

If that is your deer in your pic, you are alright by me. :)

Megan98 18
winkydog4056 16

Forward the pics to your 'friend' and his mother.

Sending them to his friends mother seems like a bad move as his friends mother will think he is a creep.

florido_fml 10

Not going to lie, i have done the same thing to a friend, pretty funny.

TellMeWhatsDeath 14
florido_fml 10

51 - Your parents must be so proud! ~You're so clever and amusing! Your friends must all love you~

florido_fml 10

Matter of fact they are very proud of me and all my friends love me =)