By Jim - 10/03/2011 18:09 - United States

Today, my friends told me that they couldn't make it to my birthday dinner unless I changed the time, because I'd made dinner reservations that would clash with the new episode of Jersey Shore. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 669
You deserved it 9 061

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if only there was something that could record things for you to watch it later, OP u need better friends

They are not your real friends if they think some shitty reality show is more important


kss_ga_champ5408 1

maybe you need to reevaluate what you are Doug with your life because Jersey Shore takes precedent get everything son!!!

fthku 13

Hey! no foreign languages! this is the English version of Fmylife.

kss_ga_champ5408 1

And what about the "get everything son" part?

wiggs5 0

oh yah wake up yah oh yah wake up yah! :D

Shenronlock 7

I guess the situation proved more important on their part. Pun intended.

Well duhh OP, everyone knows you don't skip Jersey Shore time! Snooki iz duh bezt aktr3s 3/a! Y wud u tri en sked00l somtinq e1se wen itz Jersey Shore tim?????

mustangdude44 0

snooki is a ***** and u r to for likeing jerseyshore

mustangdude44 0

wow they cant make it over some shit show? wen will MTV get some brains and cancel jerseyshore

who schedules a birthday during jersey shore?

jordanbrien 0

Uhh JS starts @ 10. Why would you make dinner reservations that latee?

TaTaTanyaHo 5