By Anon - 10/03/2011 15:08 - United States

Today, my boyfriend did the Austin Powers dance/strip-tease while dancing to 'I Touch Myself'. It was cute until he ripped off his shirt and revealed that he'd shaved his chest hair in the shape of a penis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 826
You deserved it 9 518

Same thing different taste

Top comments

...I wonder if he shaved his pubes to look like a chest.

ulicksam 0

It's hair. The rest can be shaved and it'll all grow back. No wonder he did all that - He's trying to instill a sense of humor in you but obviously it's now working. FHL.


do I make you Randy ?!?!? do I make your horny baby ?!?

xDinox_fml 0

Now, laugh and say,"You wish it were that big!"

So, you guys don't do that? Well at least I'm not the only one...

Why was he stripping in the first place, you should be dancing and stripping for him. That way he won't feel he has to shave his chest hair so it's like a penis

ulicksam 0

It's hair. The rest can be shaved and it'll all grow back. No wonder he did all that - He's trying to instill a sense of humor in you but obviously it's now working. FHL.

poor guy. sounds like a lot of thought and effort wasted.

kmarrs 2

I agree 100% It's hair. That is usually covered. It isn't like he shaved the hair on his head into the shape of a penis.

ya the gf here is purty a jerk . her bf was jus trying to make her laugh.

Agreed. She should be lucky her boyfriend has enough chest hair to even do this.

CaughRedHanded 0

how manly :0 pffft. Let's face it, American guys just can't beat the British sex symbol XD

uncbballwins 0

maybe, but we can beat your teeth

sumrem 0

46. could you not think of anything better than Chubsey-ubsey ? that was lame as shit ! but then again what would you expect from a brit.

Hahahaha did I make the little Fag angry ? Your probably just bleeding out your ****** because you know you are forced to have sex with your girlfriend that has a ****** more yellow and stanky that your teeth while I am over In America enjoying my freedoms and having sex with my hot ass blonde girlfriend with massive double D ****. You can suck my massive TEXAS size dick you fagity ****** loving, Jew cop, sheep ******, ass pirate, hippie bitch, cum guzzling, piece of British shit.

you mean the Canadian British sex symbol ;)

I always thought the sexiest British man was Robert Pattinson :P

blo0_starZz 0

I feel sorry for you, PrincessPwned.. To think he looks hot, let alone the hottest? The pity...

I think the real fml here is PrincessPwned's comment..

Yuck! His face is shaped like a crescent moon...