By shocked - 12/10/2009 14:52 - United States

Today, my "future" wife got drunk in front of my parents, who she was meeting for the first time. She called my dad a piece of shit and told my mom she wants to tear her own eyes out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 688
You deserved it 5 696

Same thing different taste

Top comments

disturbedchic 0

Prolly time to get a new "future" wife. The sooner you know these things the better.


Well, is your dad a piece of shit? Is your mom so ugly that people who behold her want to tear their own eyes out? There's an old Latin saying, "In vino veritas" or "There is truth in wine." Maybe the alcohol brought out the truth. If not, dump her at an AA meeting.

You know how they made a book of FMLs? There needs to be a sequel that's a compilation of your comments on FMLs.

Hope you've dumped her. It'll only go downhill from here.

Intellectualist 0

Dump her! She's a crazy, and if you date a crazy for too long, you'll catch it, and then, things will be bad.

wow... i would have been really flattered if my significant other said that to me.... what an oversensitive conceded bitch!

yourkiddingright_fml 0

So ya have mom do something with her eyes while dad helps you strip the 'FW' for fun pics when she's passed out.

bosshaug 0

Uhhh the girl you plan to be your wife is just now meeting them? I call fake