By Anonymous - 01/12/2012 05:59 - United States - Saint Louis

Today, my girlfriend accused me of cheating, because I tipped our waitress at dinner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 663
You deserved it 2 733

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you stick your dollars into her cleavage? You know, this isn't a strip-joint. Or maybe you chequed her out just a little too much. Talk about good service! It's dime to face the consequences.


Urpoppy 21

Dump her immediately. Seriously.

Someone's way too self conscious. I make sure my fiancé always tips no matter what, I used to work in a restaurant and I know how it is. Good service deserved a good tip. Crappy service doesn't really deserve a tip but they get it anyway.

Wow the poor girl's only doing her job! Saying that, I was at a restaurant with my ex once, and the waitress was really only concerned about him.

I haven't gone that far of course, but in my younger years, there were a couple occasions where I got really pissed too. It's not "doing her job" when she flirts heavily with my boyfriend and is short and rude with me, and it got so bad that I stopped eating out very much with guys. One time some tramp made that mistake, oozing all over him...but I was paying that day, so I left a tip at the bottom of the check saying that she shouldn't be such a *****. OP's girlfriend sounds a little unhinged, but maybe she just can't find the right words to express how she feels about one of those trashy waitresses. Jerks usually call it insecurity, to try to cover up the fact that they love every second of the attention and hate that they're getting called on it, because they feel entitled to it.

1D_love 4

I've been on my period plenty of times (obviously), and never once accused my BF of 4 years of cheating for any reason. What a weird thing to say.

how much did you tip her? tipping her $15 prolly made your gf suspicious

sammichgirl 5

Ohhh she sounds like a keeper. Marry that one quick before she gets away!

There's a difference in giving a tip, and giving the tip