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By sashimieater - 31/05/2011 01:59 - United States

Today, it was the last day of school. My students shared what they thought of me. Expecting to hear wonderful things, all of their complaints can be summed up in a few words: I'm a liar, a killer of dreams, I need to grow up, and I was a big disappointment to them. I'm a first-year teacher. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 344
You deserved it 14 676

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BrittanyCelesteP 0

...Maybe over the summer you should consider changing a smidge.

Teachers like you are the reason society has gone backwards. No wonder teen suicide rates are going up, teens living on the streets doing drugs and alcohol, get high off paint and petrol and then start graffitiying everywhere. Yea you should be shot. Jks, that sucks OP, should have brought them all cookies and ice-cream on their last day! Suddenly you'll be their favorite teacher!


Somebody needs some extra nap time...little kids be vicious

Elenachka 0

I'm thinking (and praying) that she's a first year teacher. Those would be impressive accusations coming from 6 and 7 year olds.

sounds like you found ur calling op! grats

Don't take it too personal OP. Face it, they live in MISSISSIPPI...what kind of dreams could they have... to own a worm farm? To see their trailer go floating down the river every Spring flood? To marry their sibling?

PurpleRae420 0

Well did lie about anything that got them in trouble did you make them fail when they really passed?!?!

You forgot the "You" Took me a couple tries to figure it all out.

Alex94xela 0

purple why do u even comment? all your shit gets thumbed down, half of it makes no ******* sense, and the other half is stupid shit.

jessie96xoxo 0

This is sounding a lot like my Physical Science teacher... She was a first-year teacher and everything else that was mentioned, ahaha.

FruitSalad4225 0

124 Take some Advil. Really helps the butthurt.

BrittanyCelesteP 0

...Maybe over the summer you should consider changing a smidge.

FMLandurstoo 9

Take their advice. And I bet that a lot of people clicked on this FML to see if it was a teacher in their area.

maz_irken 6
uncbballwins 0

Sons of bitches!! Oh wait... you're the bitch...

Matty1188 6

Time to take a look at yourself and your teaching methods, OP. Kids don't lie.

Kids lie. And if they hate someone for wahtever reason, they can make the life of the person pretty horrible. Yes, even first grader. We got rid of a teacher we didn't liked the same way once.

LinTurk 4

of course kids lie. They lie when you want the truth, and then they go and blurt out the truth when you least want to hear it, and then they'll switch it up to keep you guessing.

TylersMB 0

wow. thats a little over the top.

sensoon15 7

nah most teachers are bitches anyways.

Teachers like you are the reason society has gone backwards. No wonder teen suicide rates are going up, teens living on the streets doing drugs and alcohol, get high off paint and petrol and then start graffitiying everywhere. Yea you should be shot. Jks, that sucks OP, should have brought them all cookies and ice-cream on their last day! Suddenly you'll be their favorite teacher!

Yeah kids these days are like my cats. I could do whatever I want with them, but as long as I feed them in the end, they will love me.

teachers who throw end of year party's in class get an automatic boost up the awesome teacher scale :) but tbh those teachers are usually cool 2/3 of the year if only all teachers were that awesome D: I only know 3

Thanks for the tip! I'm currently going to school to become a teacher. And yes I plan on being ranked high on the awesome-teacher scale :P

74 to be ranked high on the scale, become interactive with your kids, learn all their names, use cheesy puns but don't try too hard, and occasionally bring them food. Ok even if you just do the last one you will be number 1 haha.

I'm always interactive, I'm good with names, and I'm a good cook :) Plus my best friend is amazing at making pastries and has shared her secrets with me. I'll actually be subbing this coming school year, so I guess I'll see how I do!

wolfshadow 4

Be carful with subbing students, many won't listen.

Bring them food and they become your slaves. Bribery is the most efficient tactic against stubborn students.

Of course in fairness given that the kid's dream was to become a bat it might not have been a bad idea for the OP to kill it.

A bat as in the flying rodent? or the instrument in baseball? Nevertheless both were good dreams to be crushed.

missL1z 5

You must have been a bad teacher! And if so, YDI. Then again, you can never please everyone so I'm pretty sure there are nice comments too.

GreenMaze 0

Some donuts could have fix the problem.

FMLephant 2

OP didn't say they were a police instructor

Hell any instructor who gives me a donut is a awesome teacher ._.

I guess it's time for a career change... Smdh!