By Henry - 11/11/2011 22:29 - Norway

Today, my girlfriend agreed to doing it doggy style. During it all, I pulled on her hair. I guess I pulled too hard, because when I let go, her face smacked straight into the bedside table. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 976
You deserved it 45 796

Same thing different taste


supernatural1031 1

just gonna say i love my hair being pulled but damn, i dont think i'd like to face-plant the table, sounds a little harsh

It sounds like she was into it enough to be pulling back. These things happen.

Mama_Munster 10

Thats more of an FML for her lol

Don't pull girls' hair when you're doing it doggy-style. It makes her feel like a hooker.

Doing it doggy-style alone made me feel like a hooker. No hair-pulling needed.

sugarbear0727 19

I would've enjoyed it, except for smacking into the table. I bet that hurt like hell

lizziebear123 19

is it bad that I laughed for like 5 minutes after reading this... lmaooo

Oh no! I had a mishap during the exciting sex with my loving and beautiful partner! Lonely, dateless people don't have these kinds of problems! FML! *eyeroll*

Well if she was relaxing and not pulling away from you as you had a handful of hair, that probably wouldn't have happened or it wouldn't have hurt as much lol. As someone who loves to get her hair pulled I try to avoid doing that myself cx