By Henry - 11/11/2011 22:29 - Norway

Today, my girlfriend agreed to doing it doggy style. During it all, I pulled on her hair. I guess I pulled too hard, because when I let go, her face smacked straight into the bedside table. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 976
You deserved it 45 796

Same thing different taste


Mourningstar 4

Awsome dude! In one deft move you've made sure that won't happen again for a looong time, lollollol!!!

hateevryone 14

What I want to know is why her head was that close to the bed side table. O.o

Keep treating her like that and you will soon be single.

marissa246 0
White_Knightspc 0

Donkey Punch at a whole new embarrassing level...

Sounds like she had a *takes off sunglasses* hard night

dmadsen33 9

Aw, don't worry, practice makes perfect.! You couldn't possibly know that she didn't like that. Hahahaha, kidding, you're screwed dude.!