By Sir Vom-a-lot - 14/06/2012 16:28 - United Kingdom - West Drayton

Today, my girlfriend and I got to the stage in our relationship where she thinks its okay to change her tampon whilst I brush my teeth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 666
You deserved it 6 632

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I really don't think there is any stage in a relationship where that would be okay. FYL haha

AbbyRocksYourSoc 3

Sorry for you OP. That's bloody ridiculous.


I don't know who lied to u but there is no stage for that. What are u on?

FoxDragonGL 3

Brushing his teeth. Really? I mean...REALLY? He's like, what, five to seven feet away? He's married and still hasn't gotten to the point where he can share his bathroom space? I don't understand the problem with people. Is using tampons and having a period really such a gigantic secret once you're married? So, what...she's supposed to stand outside with her legs crossed and wait until his highness is done with his teeth just cause he doesn't want to see it? Or visa versa? Come on people...we're not in kindergarten anymore. My husband understands women have periods and has no problem when I change pads or tampons. He doesn't even care when I am on my period anyways. It doesn't bother him at all. Any guy that gets all offended about don't deserve to be married.

You're somewhat ******* retarded, considering OP said it was his girlfriend.

A_Little_Girl77 12

You must not be comfortable with each other.. Nothing wrong there.

jackeechan 10

Thats more of a marriage thing. Like open door dumping.

Ew. Even when you're married that's not acceptable. Its blood and that is never a good sight or smell. Definitely, FYL.

JacobClay_XP 1