By unfucked - 26/08/2012 23:18 - Australia - Mona Vale

Today, my girlfriend and I reconciled after having a huge fight last week. We went out drinking, and things got pretty intense, so we went back to my place. We made it to the bedroom, but somewhere between her taking off my shirt and me taking off her pants, we both passed out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 968
You deserved it 13 757

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Psych101 9

Better both of you than just her. How would you have felt then?


Aww at least if you do it now, you'll be in a state that you can remember it

shawnagreenbean1 9

Dude passing out in drunken stupor was something my ex and I did on a regular basis. Some of my fondest memories were of the next morning hangovers in which we both knew our routine to keep light and noise to an absolute minimum. Enjoy those crazy moments.

Sharkitaxrscary 12

Isn't that the ideal relationship... Sounds like you two have been married for years. Too cute.

at least you got to wake up to her nakedness ;)

HanaFML 10

It's the thought that counts! :)

make up sex is the best kind ...sorry that u missed out