By unfucked - 26/08/2012 23:18 - Australia - Mona Vale

Today, my girlfriend and I reconciled after having a huge fight last week. We went out drinking, and things got pretty intense, so we went back to my place. We made it to the bedroom, but somewhere between her taking off my shirt and me taking off her pants, we both passed out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 968
You deserved it 13 757

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Psych101 9

Better both of you than just her. How would you have felt then?


musicluvr2000 11

You didn't have sex, OP. FYL my sympathy for you...

mega20913 8

that's really not that made up with your girlfriend and had a wild night out partying..there'll be plenty of time for sex later

dryersheet 11

Srsly how is this a fml at all? Fyl if she went home with someone else. Fyl if you woke up to realize you were in the wrong house. Fyl cuz you passed out from drinking? Ya no.

jenniiienyc 5

At least you're back together. There are plenty more nights to get busy! :)

perdix 29

You sound like a perfect couple -- two wusses who can't hold their liquor.

Aww prefix, sometimes I fall a little in love with you..

jazzybaby179 22

Sounds like a funny moment to laugh about later on. :D

I'm sorry you two missed out on make up sex, but sleep is wonderful too.