By unfucked - 26/08/2012 23:18 - Australia - Mona Vale

Today, my girlfriend and I reconciled after having a huge fight last week. We went out drinking, and things got pretty intense, so we went back to my place. We made it to the bedroom, but somewhere between her taking off my shirt and me taking off her pants, we both passed out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 968
You deserved it 13 757

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Psych101 9

Better both of you than just her. How would you have felt then?


MoNnEy_MiiTE 3

Sucks you both didn't fall asleep naked and you were on top. You wouldn't of needed to have sex! Morning wood would have done your job while sleeping

not the worst thing that could happen and you made up.

I must be weird because I think it's kinda sweet, in an unconventional way. You may not have had sex but you guys went to bed together and not mad. I'd say that's all the win you need for a night.

just_dandy20 2

Today, I realized the comments on FML are better then the majority of FML's posted themselves.

afairshake 8

Well at least you reconciled hopefully it stays that way when you both sober up and think. Interesting name you used that gave me more of a laugh then anything.

A couple that drinks together, stays together. Until you have to go to work hungover.

ericaleigh808 0

My husband and I have done that before, except we weren't drunk and we were completely naked! X-D